Yagan Square wins UDIA WA Award

Yagan Square has won the Urban Development Institute of Australia, UDIA WA Awards for Excellence 2018, Urban Renewal Category. Yagan Square was designed by Lyons Architects, iredale pedersen hook architects and Aspect Studio, Jon Tarry and other Artists. Award Information: https://www.udiawa.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/UDIA_Award-Winners-Supplement-2018.pdf Read more about Waterline at Yagan Square Image Credit: Sue Whittaker – iManage Professionals

Exhibition with Cameron Robbins Heathcote Cultural Precinct Applecross Western Australia 16 June – 22 July 2018 ‘The Isthmus’, responds to conditions of site, amplifying environmental forces to generate artfully informed responses to specific location and circumstance. The peninsula site of Heathcote is an elevated limestone promontory, part of the deep ecology of the Swan River. […]
Luminate Series in Los Angeles

Come see the Luminate Series from October 17th to November 28th in Los Angeles California at the Centre for Digital Art. I will be there for a special reception October 17th from 7:00 to 9:00pm. The Los Angeles Centre for Digital Art is located at 104 E 4th St, Los Angeles CA.
Jon Tarry Takes Off
Many thanks to the team at Kluge for their excellent blog post. Great working with you guys. Jon Tarry Takes Off
Welcome to the New Site!
Hello there, this is Kluge – Jon Tarry’s Interactive Agency. We just finished designing and building this brand new website to display Jon’s work. We hope you like it. We look forward to seeing it grow.
Lines of Resistance with Riet Eeckhout
A project I worked on with Riet Eeckhout in 2012. Exploring the resistance of paint on paper.