Bob Hawke College

Immediately after the College was formally named in honour of Bob Hawke, Jon Tarry was commissioned to create a bronze bust of the former Prime Minister. Bronze casting is an ancient and time-consuming technology that has been used for centuries in many countries and cultures. To give the portrait a sense of timelessness and lightness […]
Wave Length City Beach Residential College

Waves breaking and sand shifting across the dunes on CityBeach were the ever-flowing forces of nature that inspired artistJon Tarry to create the dynamic form of his radiant, ultra bluesculpture ‘Wavelength’. Using computer-aided design (CAD) tomodel pencil drawings of these natural phenomena, the sculptureis extruded along a diametric circumference, forming a loopingribbon form.‘Wavelength’ is fabricated […]
Yagan Square wins UDIA WA Award

Yagan Square has won the Urban Development Institute of Australia, UDIA WA Awards for Excellence 2018, Urban Renewal Category. Yagan Square was designed by Lyons Architects, iredale pedersen hook architects and Aspect Studio, Jon Tarry and other Artists. Award Information: Read more about Waterline at Yagan Square Image Credit: Sue Whittaker – iManage Professionals
Waterline at Yagan Square

‘Waterline’ is a series of water experiences sculpted in Western Australian granite running through Yagan Square. The feature is made up of a sequence of connected elements – from a water ‘source’ at the Playscape where water appears, bubbling up around a sculpted egg-like rock – and then cascades past the Amphitheatre, garden and grassed […]
Bessie Rischbieth arrives at Elizabeth Quay

Links: MRA – Statue of Bessie Mabel Rischbieth Monument Australia Wikipedia – Bessie Rischbieth Wikipedia – Elizabeth Quay Google Maps Location Follow Jon Tarry Art on: Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin
Silent Pillar featured in Urban Screening

This collaborative work with Esther Maria will be screened in Perth and around Australia as part of Urban Screening 2015. The project looks at white noise on construction sites during fabrication. The two sites in the video are the waterfront in Aarhus Denmark and Elizabeth Quay Perth side by side.
Fire Fighters Memorial Figures
My original works “Fire Fighters Memorial Grove” was opened in Kings Park Perth Australia in July 2000. The memorial is a place of gratitude and reflection for fallen Fire Fighters in Western Australia, as well as a symbol of the sacrifices that current Fire Fighters and their families continue to make. Late last year, I […]
Perth Railway Station Floor

A complete rejuvenation of the Perth Railway Station is now underway. As part of this major public project, I have been commissioned to design to the city station floor, a concept titled “Tracker”. Great to work with the team at Donaldson and Warn again and congratulations to the City of Perth for their appreciation of […]
Clouds – Perth City Link

Stage one and two of the cloud installation for Perth City Link is now complete. I’m pleased to be a part of the major city redevelopment and rejuvenation project by the MRA. Stay tuned for the raining cloud….
St Mark’s Apartments – The Space Between

In June and July saw the completion of a long standing project which included consulting on Architectural design concepts, wall mounted screens and free standing artworks for a Perth apartment complex – St Marks. It was great working with the Finbar team again and seeing this impressive project go from design and planning right through […]